
OK Mozart is an international music festival held annually in Bartlesville, Oklahoma.  Our challenge was to give the OK Mozart website a fresh redesign that incorporated elements of festivals past, while also designing in such a way as to draw a younger audience.

Website Design

OK Mozart had made it clear to us that they wanted to reach a younger audience, while retaining the more mature audience that has fueled ticked sales for so many years.  They also communicated to us that they would like a more modern, beautiful look. Being the 30th anniversary of the festival, we felt honored and privileged to be able to work with an organization such as OKM to be able to beautifully and effectively showcase OKM to a worldwide audience.

We wanted to be able to portray all that the festival has to offer right from the very beginning.  So we designed a homepage solution that exhibited two ends of OKM’s musical spectrum, and displayed it in an attractive, eye-catching way.

We created the homepage with a slider effect on the background image in order to display the diverse musical landscape that is OK Mozart. The first image was primarily directed towards a younger audience…




…while the next image appeals to a more classical music audience.




We created a custom schedule system for festival concerts as well.


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